



对于能够参与此次以“learning city”为主题的中德联合设计工坊,我倍感幸运。不仅在个人视野上,在思维模式上,包括在做事方法上,我得到的启迪和日常的学习都是不太一样的。尽管已经过去了几个月,记忆会模糊,但在那时候形成的好的学习方法和思考策略,我当成这次学习最好的收获。



I feel so lucky to be involved in the “learning city” Chinese-German designing studio.Not only in personal vision, on the thinking mode, including on the ways of doing things, I get the enlightenment which is different from daily learning.Although several months have past, the memory is turning fuzzy, good ways of learning and thinking strategies are the best harvest for me.

First of all, through the brainstorms with German fellows, I have felt the huge differences of thinking mode under the influence of different education background.Chinese students tend to tree of holistic thinking,and the classification and summary of problems is the usual method, then the solution is put forward upon the previous experience and objective conditions.However, the thinking mode of German fellows is multidirectional,and they don't pass every detail.In the seemingly mad problems, they will finally find a new logic.The analysis method similar to layer- superposition has left me a deep influence.

Secondly, while studying in the visit of Germany,I felt Dusseldorf a great charming city with a long history of culture, pleasant living environment, and advanced technology,which caused us many thinking for future development of Chinese cities.

At last,I appreciate all the experience which is like a magic dream.