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《中国新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐状况报告 2018/2019》中英文版

作者:国际欧亚科学院中国科学中心 中国市长协会








第一章  中国城镇化进程

Chapter 1  Urbanization Process in China

1.1 城镇化顶层设计

1.1 Top-down Design of Urbanization

1.2 城镇化水平与质量

1.2 Urbanization Level and Quality

1.3 城镇化总体格局

1.3 Overall Pattern of Urbanization

1.4 城镇化发展方式

1.4 Approach to Urbanization Development

1.5 城镇化配套制度改革

1.5 Urbanization Supporting Systems Reformed

第二章  空间规划与新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐治理

Chapter 2  Spatial Planning and Urban Governance

2.1 空间规划改革历程

2.1 The Process of Spatial Planning Reform

2.2 国土空间规划体系

2.2 Territorial Spatial Planning System

2.3 新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐治理

2.3 Urban Governance

2.4 中国实践:城镇低效用地再开发

2.4 China Practice: Redevelopment of Underused Urban Land

第三章  新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐基础设施

Chapter 3  Urban Infrastructure

3.1 国家相关规划与政策

3.1 Relevant National Plans and Policies

3.2 新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐交通系统

3.2 Urban Transport System

3.3 新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐水系统

3.3 Urban Water System

3.4 新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐能源系统

3.4 Urban Energy System

3.5 新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐环卫系统

3.5 Urban Sanitation System

3.6 新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐通信系统

3.6 Urban Communication System

3.7 中国实践:智慧新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐

3.7 China Practice:Smart City

第四章  生态文明与新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐环境

Chapter 4  Ecological Civilization and the Urban Environment

4.1 生态文明建设

4.1 Ecological Progress

4.2 大气环境质量优化

4.2 Optimization of Ambient Air Quality

4.3 水环境质量优化

4.3 Optimization of Water Environment Quality

4.4 土壤环境质量整治

4.4 Soil Environmental Quality Remediation

4.5 中国方案:新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐双修

4.5 China Program:Ecological Restoration and City Betterment

第五章  人文新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐

Chapter 5  Culture City

5.1 植根历史的文化传承

5.1 Cultural Heritage Deeply Rooted in History

5.2 以人为本的公共空间

5.2 People-oriented Public Space

5.3 中国方案:工业遗产保护与再利用

5.3 China Program: Industrial Heritage Protection and Reuse

第六章  乡村振兴与扶贫攻坚

Chapter 6  Rural Revitalization and Poverty Alleviation

6.1 乡村振兴战略

6.1 Rural Revitalization Strategy

6.2 脱贫攻坚

6.2 Poverty Alleviation

6.3 改善农村人居环境

6.3 Improving Rural Living Environment

6.4 小城镇建设与特色化发展

6.4 Small Cities and Towns Construction and Characteristic Development

6.5 中国乡村实践

6.5 China’s Rural Practice

附录 1  中国工业遗产保护名录

Appendix I  China Industrial Heritage Protection List

附录 2  中国 297 个地级及以上新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐基本数据(2016 年)

Appendix II  Basic Data of China’s 297 Cities at and above Perfecture Level (2016)

关于中国 297 个地级及以上新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐基本数据( 2016 年) 的说明

Notes to the Basic Data of China’s 297 Cities at and above Prefecture Level (2016)


第一章  中国城镇化进程 

Chapter 1  Urbanization Process in China 


In order to meet the challenges presented by urbanization, China has followed sustainable development concepts and goals advocated by the international community, and has regarded thoughts of ecological civilization as the guiding ideology and action model for urban and rural development. It has further strengthened the people-centered governance concept; and established new development concepts in innovation, coordination, ecology, openness, and sharing; has transformed urban development patterns, optimized the overall pattern of urbanization, and also adhered to the ‘two-wheel drive engine’ approach, i.e. rural revitalization and urbanization while simultaneously reconstructing the governance system for territorial space.

第二章  空间规划与新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐治理 

Chapter 2  Spatial Planning and Urban Governance 


The new spatial planning system is aimed at building a beautiful China, achieving high-quality development and high-quality life, and promoting governance capacity and the modernization of the national governance system. Future urban planning will continue to exert its governance effectiveness as part of this territorial spatial planning, and likewise, spatial planning will also become an important tool for the spatial governance as well as urban governance.

第三章  新沙巴体育网_沙巴体育app-篮球欧洲杯投注网址推荐基础设施 

Chapter 3 Urban Infrastructure 


In order to promote the development of urban infrastructure, China persists in planning and guidance, and thus compiled relevant plans including the 13th Five-Year Plan for National Urban Municipal Infrastructure Development, which lays out plans for infrastructure development. This directive promotes high-quality development of transport facilities, water facilities, energy facilities and environmental sanitation facilities through a series of measures to better meet the needs of the people in the pursuit of a better life and, therefore, supports the development of new urbanization.

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